Young newlyweds Todd and Bridget met at a two-hour seminar and took an immediate liking to each other. Smart, caring, and quick-thinking individuals, they’ve been devoted to each other and like two peas in a pod ever since. But, when on their honeymoon, Bridget learns bizarre and alarming things about Todd, things that he’s kept secret until now, their idyllic romance begins careening out of control.

Todd has high hopes and wants nothing more than for Bridget to understand and be part of his world. As Bridget struggles to understand the man she married and used to think she knew all about, and the situation escalates, the events that unfold will end up putting their love and sanity to the ultimate test.


Well, Into the Arms of Madness, was my first let down of the year, which saddens me quite a bit. I wish I had better news for you guys. The writing was flat, and so were the characters. I felt as though the first few chapters of the story just rambled, and it didn't get much better from there unfortunately.

Bre and Todd are newlyweds. The first time she meets his family is at their wedding. They are all a bit “weird” so-to-speak and standoffish. Todd doesn't talk much about his past or his first wife. With that said, what makes Bre think that marrying Todd is a good idea? Well, it didn't make much sense to me either. She doesn't even press him about it. Odd to say the least.

Oh, did I mention Bre is a vegan? No, I don't think I did. She isn't against killing animals for food, but because of all the additives and chemicals pumped into our meat before consumption is her reason. I believe she has only been a vegan for two weeks at this point.

They venture to a secluded cabin for their honeymoon. When they get to the cabin, Todd offers to cook which is out of the ordinary for him. Bre is shocked to realize that he has cooked her a small steak for dinner. He tells her the “beef” was organically fed, or something to that nature. She eats it and even compliments Todd on it. After dinner, his family shows up out of nowhere. Todd gives her some speech about his family's culture and way of life and how top-secret it is. Bre is a bit dumbfounded as to why he's just now telling her this stuff and why his family is present. Well, he pretty much just blurts out how she just ATE a human being! Wanna know what her reaction is? She smiles at him, and thinks how much she wants to just run away.

Would that be your first reaction to knowing your new husband just fed you a human being? Not to mention mingled the dead guys blood in with your wine...UH NO! Not even remotely close. I think I scene like that calls for a clear cut panic attack followed by projectile vomiting.

Now, here comes the twist to the story. You are just going to love this folks! So Todd's parents send him on a little errand so they can get some alone time with Bre. His parents tell her they aren't really cannibals and Todd is...well, crazy—a mental case. All of this is in his imagination and none of it is real. Bre wants to know why he isn't in a mental institution and his father explains they couldn't do that to him. That it would destroy him. Really? He thinks he's a freaking cannibal and is mentally unstable and his parents thinks it's okay to “feed” these delusions?

To be brutally honest, I felt this story was a mess from the very beginning. I could go on about the problems I have with this story, but I think you get the gist of it. Unfortunately, I can't recommend this story.

*This book was provided in exchange for an honest review via LibraryThing.

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January 23, 2014 at 3:40 PM

Thank you! I'm glad you wrote about the plot as much as you did. You saved me from being grossed out. It seems the character of the female lead is badly put together, also.
No wonder some writers do not wish the reviewers offer spoilers. I read good writing even when I know the entire story. I think I'll skip this one. Thanks again. :)

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